New trends in gardening - Green Brigade
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New trends in gardening

The search for new styles for gardens and outdoor living is increasing. Gardens are long term aspirations and so are the tasks and time taken to reach one’s ideal space. Making spaces work longer is the current garden trend and that goes hand in hand with the planting and how we keep visual interest growing.  The garden now needs to be a multipurpose space, with a space for utility, purpose and relaxation. It has to look splendid too.

The future gardens will see a surge in different elements, materials and plants. It will be   about materials that can be natural, artisan and practical at the same time. The planting spotlight is on permanent designs that provide color and interest all year round.

This translates to landscapes that incorporate native plants, creating outdoor living spaces, using sustainable and low-maintenance materials, and incorporating unique elements such as water features and cooking grills. Another trend is the incorporation of edible gardens, including vegetable and fruit gardens, as well as incorporating pollinator-friendly plants. Yet another trend is the incorporation of outdoor lighting to extend the use of the garden in the evening. And finally, the incorporation of technology such as smart irrigation systems and weather monitoring, can help gardeners maintain their garden with less effort.

These are some points to note when you are planning a garden by yourself or contracting the work to others.

  1. Native Plants: Incorporating native plants into garden landscapes is becoming increasingly popular. These plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, making them more resilient and requiring less maintenance. They also provide habitat for local wildlife, such as birds and butterflies.
  2. Outdoor Living Spaces: Creating outdoor living spaces, such as patios, decks, and pergolas, is a growing trend. These spaces provide a way for homeowners to enjoy their garden year-round and entertain guests.
  3. Sustainable and Low-Maintenance Materials: Many homeowners are opting for sustainable and low-maintenance materials when landscaping their gardens. For example, using drought-tolerant plants, permeable pavers, and rain gardens can help reduce water usage and prevent erosion.
  4. Unique Elements: Adding unique elements such as water features, fire pits, and sculptures can add visual interest to a garden. Water features such as fountains or ponds can create a soothing ambiance, while fire pits provide a gathering spot for warm summer evenings.
  5. Edible Gardens: Incorporating vegetable and fruit gardens into landscape designs is becoming increasingly popular. This not only provides homeowners with fresh produce, but also helps to promote sustainable gardening practices.
  6. Pollinator-Friendly Plants: Many homeowners are also choosing to incorporate pollinator-friendly plants into their gardens to support local bee, butterfly and bird populations.
  7. Outdoor Lighting: Outdoor lighting is becoming a popular trend as it allows homeowners to extend the use of their garden in the evening. Lighting can be used to highlight specific features of the garden, create ambiance, and provide safety.
  8. Technology: Smart irrigation systems and weather monitoring systems are becoming more common in gardens. These systems help gardeners to maintain their gardens more efficiently and with less effort.
  9. Tropical gardens: Surround with plants, bold foliage, include water features.
  10. Integrating the Indoors and Out: Extend the living area. Consider your entire property your home and you can create a strong sense of place and connection to the natural world. Grace the garden with a gazebo or pergola and with adaptable furniture they become instant hospitality areas.
  11. Designing with accent plants: Accent plants create the ‘wow’ factor in gardens by drawing your attention to them. Creatively placed they will give a visual impact that is artistic and will complement the other plants around them.
  12. Gardening for a changing climate: Gardens, need to be designed to cope with increasing changes in climatic patterns be it longer summers, more/less rainfall and hotter summers.
  13. Look to geometric forms: The use of geometric form in paving, furniture and layouts can bring a uniqueness character to a garden.
  14. Engage with elemental features: Outdoor living experience should be one that truly engages all our senses such as sound and reflective qualities of water; the warmth, of soft lighting, textural materials and aromatic planting.’
  15. Think trees in the garden: A canopy of green protects us from the elements and gives a natural bubble to your movements.
  16. Stay true to your surroundings: Allow materials from the local surroundings to form the basis of your design response. This also usually ensures a reduced carbon footprint for your projects, as well as making gardens feel well-rooted to the conditions of the surrounding environment.
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